Wednesday, December 7, 2016


An old favorite Cleome.

One of my all time favorites is Cleome. I like the way it looks and I like the way it smells but it is also sticky like tobacco is when tobacco is being cut in the field; and I don't like that very much. It is also a prolific seeder and each stem produces hundreds of flowers and pea-pod-like pods filled with seeds. If you allow the pod to fill and grow old it will split open and drop the contents on the ground. Most of the seed will not survive birds and insects but they are tiny and fall into cracks and some will sprout the following year. 


  1. I have to buy some Cleome Seeds this summer.

  2. I didn't realise you still had the photo website. For some reason it hasn't been coming up on my updates. Will have to try to get the updates working again!

    Gorgeous photos Abe.



Rain on the skylight. Pitter-patter. Not cold enough for snow or ice but nice to hear the rain. Read the story. I used to draw a lot. ...