Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tenskwatwa. The Prophet

Tecumseh's brother, "The Prophet," was best know for his ability to see the future and told how his brother and many Americans would be killed in battles.

Tenskwatawa became a religious leader. Known as "The Shawnee Prophet", he advocated a return of the Shawnee and other American Indians to their ancestral lifestyle and rejection of the colonists and Americans. He attracted a large following among Indians who had already suffered major epidemics and dispossession of their lands.

In 1805, Tenskwatawa led a religious revival following a series of witch-hunts following an outbreak of smallpox among the Shawnee. His beliefs were based on the earlier teachings of other prophets. Scattamek and Neolin told about the coming apocalypse that would destroy the European-American settlers.



Rain on the skylight. Pitter-patter. Not cold enough for snow or ice but nice to hear the rain. Read the story. I used to draw a lot. ...