Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mt. Zao

Here I am sitting on a rock on top of Mt Zao, a famous mountain close to Sendai, Japan where I was stationed. We took a train and a bus to get to the little town where we stayed in an old, Japanese hotel. There wasn't much to see on top of the mountain in the middle of summer but we did see a lot of large boulders and metal posts that must have been buried in winter so the people of skis could get past them.


  1. That was in 1954 when I was a whopping 20 years old, on the other side of the world, up on a mountain littered with rocks and trees and so much stuff, it was hard to imagine that thousands of Japanese would ski down the mountain in the winter.

  2. Thanks for your comment. My photos are not nearly so beautiful as yours, but then their purpose is to help us to remember events and important occasions.
    But how are you, Abe? Do you still work in your garden? You are still so busy and creative!



Rain on the skylight. Pitter-patter. Not cold enough for snow or ice but nice to hear the rain. Read the story. I used to draw a lot. ...