Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beating the Heat

In the summer when it is hot and muggy, the animals try to stay cool by dozing in any spot of shade they happen to find. This little rabbit is sprawled-out and cooling himself off with his hot belly on the cool ground. 

I was sitting on the swing about five feet from him and he knew I was there but trusted me enough to lay down, sprawl out and cool off. His mother was here to give birth to the baby rabbits and as soon as they began eating some of the clover in our yard, she took off and left them on their own.

They soon ate any tender plants that were coming up and that is OK with me. They are learning what to eat and what not to eat. It just happened that this flower is one of their favorites and eating the tops is a great way to propagate them.

I thought it was neat how they can stand up to get their favorite parts of the flowers.


  1. What a cutie! We don't see many baby rabbits close to our house. I think the cats run them off.

    1. The mother rabbits come here and have their babies and when they get them to eating clover and other things, like my flowers, then the mother leaves. It has been happening that way for a long time.

  2. There have been 2 rabbits hanging around my feeders all winter, and I'm glad they can find something to eat. It's been a miserable winter for the animals.

    1. They eat almost anything edible in the winter when there is snow or ice on the ground. There is no much else available for them to eat so they are always hungry.

  3. So cute.
    Yesterday from my hubbys 'car I saw one running in a field.

    1. Good for you, Claude. We have not seen any in our back yard this spring. I think we had one last summer but it did not stay because we have the dog that goes outside. The dog scares the rabbits and the squirrels but the squirrels climb up the tree and escapes.

  4. This little fella was hungry all the time.



Rain on the skylight. Pitter-patter. Not cold enough for snow or ice but nice to hear the rain. Read the story. I used to draw a lot. ...